What is Aaron Baddeley's current world ranking?

Aaron Baddeley is currently ranked 351st in the world as of the most recent February 24 world rankings.

What is Aaron Baddeley's peak world ranking?

Aaron Baddeley's peak world ranking occured on April 28, 2008, when he was ranked #16 with 4.001 world ranking points.

Has Aaron Baddeley won a major?

No, Aaron Baddeley has not won any major championships.

Aaron Baddeley Year End World Rankings

Year Ranking Points
1999 194 0.95
2000 129 1.41
2001 148 1.01
2002 167 0.93
2003 108 1.29
2004 >300
2005 170 0.89
2006 87 1.61
2007 18 3.94
2008 36 2.72
2009 139 1.17
2010 274 0.65
2011 46 2.79
2012 78 1.80
2013 191 0.92
2014 244 0.77
2015 >300
2016 131 1.24
2017 213 0.85
2018 284 0.63
2019 252 0.70
2020 >300
2021 >300
2022 >300
2023 242 0.55
2024 340 0.40

World ranking over time

World ranking over time for Aaron Baddeley

World ranking points over time

World ranking points over time for Aaron Baddeley

World ranking points over time vs #1

World ranking points over time for Aaron Baddeley vs the world #1