What is Hideto Tanihara's current world ranking?

Hideto Tanihara is not currently ranked in the top 300 of the world golf rankings.

What is Hideto Tanihara's peak world ranking?

Hideto Tanihara's peak world ranking occured on May 29, 2017, when he was ranked #47 with 2.698 world ranking points.

Hideto Tanihara Year End World Rankings

Year Ranking Points
2003 135 1.08
2004 134 1.12
2005 >300
2006 96 1.47
2007 68 1.77
2008 77 1.70
2009 153 1.11
2010 202 0.84
2011 >300
2012 186 0.97
2013 94 1.55
2014 88 1.63
2015 117 1.36
2016 56 2.41
2017 69 1.95
2018 174 1.00
2019 >300
2020 223 0.80
2021 128 1.31
2022 219 0.77
2023 244 0.54
2024 480 0.27

World ranking over time

World ranking over time for Hideto Tanihara

World ranking points over time

World ranking points over time for Hideto Tanihara

World ranking points over time vs #1

World ranking points over time for Hideto Tanihara vs the world #1