What is Lucas Glover's current world ranking?

Lucas Glover is currently ranked 33rd in the world as of the most recent March 31 world rankings.

What is Lucas Glover's peak world ranking?

Lucas Glover's peak world ranking occured on August 24, 2009, when he was ranked #15 with 4.481 world ranking points.

Has Lucas Glover won a major?

Yes, Lucas Glover has won a single major championship, the 2009 US Open played at Bethpage State Park, Black Course.

Lucas Glover Year End World Rankings

Year Ranking Points
2005 65 1.88
2006 38 2.61
2007 81 1.62
2008 177 0.98
2009 20 3.84
2010 57 2.28
2011 69 2.03
2012 259 0.71
2013 294 0.61
2014 >300
2015 >300
2016 180 1.02
2017 89 1.61
2018 134 1.22
2019 71 1.92
2020 110 1.37
2021 120 1.35
2022 105 1.25
2023 29 2.66
2024 51 2.03

World ranking over time

World ranking over time for Lucas Glover

World ranking points over time

World ranking points over time for Lucas Glover

World ranking points over time vs #1

World ranking points over time for Lucas Glover vs the world #1