What is Michael Hendry's current world ranking?

Michael Hendry is currently ranked 449th in the world as of the most recent March 17 world rankings.

What is Michael Hendry's peak world ranking?

Michael Hendry's peak world ranking occured on July 10, 2017, when he was ranked #110 with 1.379 world ranking points.

Has Michael Hendry won a major?

No, Michael Hendry has not won any major championships.

Michael Hendry Year End World Rankings

Year Ranking Points
2012 271 0.67
2013 213 0.82
2014 >300
2015 >300
2016 156 1.13
2017 125 1.26
2018 >300
2019 >300
2020 >300
2021 >300
2022 >300
2023 >300
2024 442 0.30

World ranking over time

World ranking over time for Michael Hendry

World ranking points over time

World ranking points over time for Michael Hendry

World ranking points over time vs #1

World ranking points over time for Michael Hendry vs the world #1