What is Nicolas Colsaerts's current world ranking?

Nicolas Colsaerts is currently ranked 206th in the world as of the most recent December 16 world rankings.

What is Nicolas Colsaerts's peak world ranking?

Nicolas Colsaerts's peak world ranking occured on May 14, 2012, when he was ranked #32 with 3.218 world ranking points.

Has Nicolas Colsaerts won a major?

No, Nicolas Colsaerts has not won any major championships.

Nicolas Colsaerts Year End World Rankings

Year Ranking Points
2009 132 1.26
2010 152 1.14
2011 72 1.95
2012 36 3.10
2013 68 1.87
2014 141 1.24
2015 227 0.80
2016 112 1.37
2017 103 1.44
2018 184 0.93
2019 181 0.90
2020 231 0.78

World ranking over time

World ranking over time for Nicolas Colsaerts

World ranking points over time

World ranking points over time for Nicolas Colsaerts

World ranking points over time vs #1

World ranking points over time for Nicolas Colsaerts vs the world #1