What is Scott Piercy's current world ranking?

Scott Piercy is not currently ranked in the top 300 of the world golf rankings.

What is Scott Piercy's peak world ranking?

Scott Piercy's peak world ranking occured on July 4, 2016, when he was ranked #25 with 3.520 world ranking points.

Scott Piercy Year End World Rankings

Year Ranking Points
2008 196 0.90
2009 176 1.00
2010 >300
2011 174 1.05
2012 41 2.71
2013 55 2.25
2014 181 0.97
2015 49 2.63
2016 36 3.16
2017 120 1.31
2018 151 1.12
2019 107 1.46
2020 141 1.16
2021 204 0.85
2022 261 0.65
2023 303 0.44
2024 496 0.26

World ranking over time

World ranking over time for Scott Piercy

World ranking points over time

World ranking points over time for Scott Piercy

World ranking points over time vs #1

World ranking points over time for Scott Piercy vs the world #1